Monday, September 27, 2010

Meet Katrina Leung

Here's to Dolly Baby Bowtique...behind it all is Katrina Leung!!!
Making bows is her MAIN HOBBY, then of course sewing, reading, scrapbooking, cooking, and of course there would be plenty more, but really there is not enough time in the DAY!! RED is her color of choice, which is fierce and BOLD! :) Her sister's cooking is pretty yummy, but her favorite one is the HOMEMADE BUTTERMILK FRIED CHICKEN! (Can we say now, I'm pretty hungry!!!)

Now, Kartina's Boutique is pretty amazing!! I loved reading her story... super cute and funny! For her it started all, but 3 years ago. (Time sure does fly by!) Her daughter was born, and she was pretty excited, more like STOKED! (Definition of stoked totally fits here, because when it's a girl you are just super excited right?!?) Don't forget with girls there are frilly things, cute things, super cute things, the dresses, the bows, & let's not forget the dolls galore!!! Katrina had a hard time finding some *super* cute hair bows, that would fit their budget, (I believe it!) Her daughter had hair and then it disappeared, but made a comeback at 9 months, right around the 4th of July! A dress to match, but where's the bow? Katrina went shopping at a street fair and found a red one, they are always nice, but nothing exciting. The DAY finally arrived, 4th of July, and not as long as you think, but her daughter ripped out the hair bow within a mere minute or so. She spent how much money on a bow and it disappeared in mere seconds!! (Oh no!)

After an experience like that, she decided that she was going to do some research, then bought supplies and was determined to figure out how to make a bow that would not slip out! Katrina was determined in finding something that would be child-proof (lol) something that would stay in little girls hair. She told a few of friends what she was up too, and they ordered a whole bunch! An Aunt who worked at a hair salon bought a whole to give-away! Soon by word of mouth, people started asking her to make some bows for them, because they were the only ones that would stay in their daughter's hair! She loved knowing that people appreciated her awesome idea, and that they loved what she did!

Inspiration hit, in which she decided it was time to open up shop! Needing a name, she thought back to her childhood in which her mother used to always call her, her sister, and now her daughter her "doll babies", thus "Doll Baby Bowtique" was born!

"Be KIND, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle." - Plato

Stop on in to Katrina's Doll Baby Bowtique and let her know you saw her on MTB! :) Thank you so much for sending in your story Katrina!!

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